Friday, August 25, 2006

More Holiday Stuff & A Rant

OK I will get the rant over with first! Whenw e came back yesterday on the Wightlink Ferry from Isle of Wight to Portsmouth there was the usual safety announcement which now (inevitably) includes a message about not leaving unattended baggage for security reasons. Within 10 minutes the captainw as on the tannoy because someone had left a back pack unattended in the stairwell. Over the next 20 minutes he came on 4 times with increasingly irrate requests for the owner to retrieve their baggage. In the end the ferry had to be stopped in the middle of the Solent because security regulations do not allow the ferry to dock if there is any hint of a security problem. We had a very tired and grumpy little girl with us and Darren was get crosser and crosser and said he wanted to go upstairs, find the bag and sling it overboard!

Eventually we started and were allowed to dock at Portsmouth so I guess they either found the owner or decided it was not a security risk (or chucked it overboard) but how flippin' stupid to go abandonning you bags within a couple of minutes of an announcement NOT to do so. I have to admit that for a couple of seconds I did worry that it might be something more sinister and checked out our nearest life bouy!!!! Anyway, we (obviously) made it home safe and sound but I was really annoyed at the stupidity of someone who not only caused a delay but also considerable worry in some of the passengers (I saw a couple of very concerned and distressed looking people.)

Anyway, rant over. The holiday was fun and it also gave me a chance to play around with my camera. We took hundreds of shots, some standard snapshots and a few fun things too. Isabelle loves her Monkey and he of course came on holiday, I really like this picture of Izzy and her monkey! It was taken at the park in Ventnor and I took lots of photos of Isabelle toddling around as well as some of her with her Daddy, her Great Suntie (who insists we drop the great!) and my cousins.

There are lots more pictures and lots of things to write about but I have to go over to Mums, she is getting Izzy withdrawal symptoms (I think this is the longest she has been without seeing her) so will blog more later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love her face on this, looks like she has such determination to get to her monkey. Gotta be scrapped hon! xx

9:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that photo is SO cute - a definite scrapper! Can't believe she is toddling already!

9:16 am  
Blogger scrapdolly said...

Glad you had a fab holiday - apart fromt he ferry stupidity. Why are people so dafta nd so thoughtless!

10:42 am  
Blogger domestic goddess said...

i love that monkey photo :)

11:33 pm  
Blogger munchkin mama said...

that monkey short is genious!
i can't wait until i have a good digital camera dammit!

12:05 pm  

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