Saturday, February 03, 2007

Basic Grey Register of Interest

We are once again going to be offering the Ragister of Interest for the new BG lines. By adding your name to the list you secure first dibbs on the packs when they arrive. We don't take your payment, just hold the required items for you. Then when the delivery is imminent we will contact you and you can confirm your order and make the payment. This enables us to have pre prepared boxes for the stash to go in and voila! They go out immediately that they come in.

So here they are:



Scarlet's Letter

Stella Ruby
To add your name to the register of interest e mail me and let me know which packs you are interested in. Easy!


Blogger domestic goddess said...

ooo you naught naughty mel, i have to have them all, lol, love scarletts letter the best i think;)
great to see you at CHA so i missed you on tuesday

4:27 pm  

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