Well after a 4 month absence I have decided to make my way back to blog land! I stopped updating because I felt like I was just doing it on auto pilot and I wasn't doing a whole lot creative wise so it seemed silly to continue for the sake of it.
Anyhow, I have decided I am going to give blogging another shot - I won't be posting daily as "Our News" from my last post i.e. baby number 2 is going to be arriving in 4 days time by C Section so I am not nuts enough to think i will have oodles of time to blog but I will make an effort to post more frequently!
Things in our house are a little crazy right now - Isabelle is a complete fruit loop but totally gorgeous too, she had a fantastic Christmas but as they say is often the case i think she realises change is rapidly approaching on the horizon and she is a little bit unsettled in terms of sleeping, that combined with a case of the terrible twos and "I don't want to" syndrome is making everything a bit hard work!
In addition we are in the middle of selling the house and moving to a house to be shared with Mum and Dad - this may sound like a crazy plan but it is a big house so plenty of room for both families to have their own space, and it has oodles of potential!
On the scrapbooking front, ATDML will be getting it's own premises in the grounds of the new house so that is exciting for 2008. The November Retreat was a great success and we had a blast. We are repeating the event in March on a bigger scale - places still available if anyone wants to join us for a weekend of scrapping fun - Friday 14th - Sunday 16th March. Details are
Personally I am trying to get a bit more up to date with Isabelles album as i am all too aware that soon I will have another album to keep up with! For me this means accepting that not every layout has to take hours or planning and execution and that it is ok to mix and match between complicated layouts and quick and simple ones. I have sorted through my "Photos to Scrap" box and tried to be a bit more realistic about how many layouts I am likely to get done. I sorted the photos into "Must Scrap" "Maybe" and "Been Sitting Here So Long I Am Obviously Never Going To Scrap This!!" There are still loads to do but it did make me feel better to remove a whole lot from that box and put them in a separate box for now.
So here are a few layouts i have been working on:

I am completely loving Scenic Route at the moment! I used Salem for the Autumn layout and Loveland for the Fantillusion layout. Neither of these are WOW layouts or particularly creative, but I guess they illustrate what I mean by allowing myself to do some layouts which I like but which aren't at all complicated or fancy - they just showcase photos I like for different reasons and get the pages done!