Monday, March 13, 2006


Feeling a little peeved as we were due to get some lovely new goodies in either last week or this week and now the manufacturer has told our UK supplier that they will be delayed, given us a provisional date and then said that any US customers who place orders now will jump ahead of us in the queue even though we ordered last month - AARRRGGGHHHH!

I was sooooo poorly sick yesterday it was untrue. I felt sick all morning (no I am not) and then in the afternoon I had flu like aches pains and generally feeling terrible. Couldn't eat (I may have used up a half millimetre of fat reserves so that is something I guess) and just moped on my bed sketching ideas for an album and flicking through catalogues. Thank goodness I feel much better today.

Hmmmm thats it for now. I have changed the music - much as I love Norah I fancied a change already so it is Keane now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling much, much better today!!!!!

12:30 pm  
Blogger Kim Sonksen said...


7:33 pm  

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