Irreplacable Friends
Thought I would post another one of my layouts I did over cyber crop weekend. I was allocated to Slytherin House for the CC and luckily we (ATDML) were supplying the Slytherin Mystery kit so I got to have a go at the mystery kit challenge! This photo of "Mr Monkey" and Isabelle was taken in the summer while we were out at the park on the Isle of Wight. Izzy loves her monkey more than any other tou. She takes him to bed with ehr, cuddles him when she is tired and tries to feed him bits of her dinner!!
I decided as she loves him so much I ought to buy a spare one in case any terrible fate should befall Mr Monkey (lost on an outing, sucked and stroked til his stuffing fell out etc...)
Of course Isabelle can tell the difference between the two monkeys and wouldn't have anything to do with the new one! Recently she has started to play with the second one occasionally but he certainly won't do to take to bed or comfort her when she is upset!
Anyway, so thats why this layout was about her favourite, irreplacable friend!